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Broward County Recruiting for IT and GIS Specialist Positions

The county is seeking candidates for information technology and geographic information specialist roles to advance the county’s E911 program and climate resilience initiatives.

Broward County’s Board of County Commissioners is recruiting for several IT and GIS specialist positions.

The county is seeking candidates for the role of E911 project manager (IT specialist) to “provide project management leadership over key E911 projects and assist with project activities associated with our next-generation 911 project,” the job posting states.

For context, the Communications and Technology Division, which falls under the Regional Emergency Services and Communications Department, oversees the county’s 911 program and all technology infrastructure that supports public safety communications in Broward County.

Essential duties include:
  • Managing multiple cross-functional E911 projects of low to high complexity 
  • Providing vendor management to ensure that all vendors are meeting their project and contractual commitments 
  • Serving as liaison for public safety answering point operations and E911 staff for training and acceptance testing related to assigned projects 
  • Participating in project management office meetings and process improvement updates for E911 

More information can be found in the posting and the duty statement. The position has a yearly salary range of $84,798 to $135,338, and the application deadline is ongoing.

The county also seeks a senior GIS analyst to play a key role in supporting and planning climate resilience initiatives and serving as a technical resource supporting adaptation strategies within the county’s urban environment.

This job would report to the county’s Resilience Unit, which oversees all projects and proposals for planning for diverse climate hazards.

Essential duties include:
  • Reviewing, interpreting and analyzing GIS data from projects using GIS hardware or software applications 
  • Designing, developing and managing project-specific relational database applications using desktop and enterprise database software 
  • Performing high-level data analysis and dashboard interface design 
  • Developing user acceptance testing criteria and business intelligence documentation 

More information can be found in the posting and the duty statement. The position has a yearly salary range of $73,378 to $117,111, and the application deadline is ongoing.
Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.