The agency's pre-solicitation states it will be contracting for a wide variety of services, including web page design, application software, data conversion, networking, risk management, software maintenance and more.
The college serves some 80,000 students and is looking for a vendor to provide voice and data communications cabling.
Industry Insider — Texas is pleased to welcome Canonical to the Industry Insider family. Canonical publishes Ubuntu, an open source platform used across industries including government. The 20-year-old company helps to power the cloud, Internet of Things devices, desktops and servers. For more information, contact Dane Redman or visit the Canonical website.
The chosen applicant will be a senior-level program management specialist for DIR's Shared Technology Services (STS) Vendor Management Office.
Elections staff invited the public to test voting integrity as required by law. Participants toured the elections warehouse and filled in ballots to see how the machine counts them.
Upcoming Events
DIR Discover: Exploring Data and Tech will be held at the Palmer Events Center on Tuesday, October 22nd with preconference sessions on Monday, October 21st.
Contributed Content
Tamara Fields is appointed as the U.S. leader of Accenture Public Service, leveraging her extensive experience in government efficiency and community support through innovative technologies.
Exploring the integration of generative AI in public services to enhance efficiency, fairness and preparedness for future technological shifts
This roundtable explores structuring government revenue systems around property identification rather than citizen identities. Tying processes back to property allows connecting internal systems for consistency. Agencies should prioritize solutions enabling open data sharing across departments and take an incremental approach to modernizing one system at a time.
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