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Since inventing the microprocessor in 1971, Intel has been the world leader in silicon innovation, creating technologies, products and initiatives that continually advance how people live and work. Intel believes it is crucial for governments to harness the power of technology to better serve and connect with the public and increase operational efficiency.

Intel’s architecture, ecosystem and security technologies enable governments to cost-effectively modernize operations and deploy innovative smart city solutions that improve resource management and quality of life – from improving air and water quality to increasing transportation efficiency. To learn more, visit

In addition, Intel’s technologies are helping governments leverage the power of cloud computing. For example, the Intel Core vPro processor family delivers low-cost, maximum productivity with hardware-assisted security and manageability features on Ultrabooks and desktops. Additionally, Intel Xeon processor-based servers provide industry-leading performance without increasing power demands, helping lower costs by automatically allocating power according to your requirements and conserving energy during low-use periods. To learn more, visit

For more information, please reach out to Alan Rose your local managing director with Intel