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Elastic, the Search AI Company, enables everyone to find the answers they need in real time, using all their data, at scale — unleashing the potential of businesses and people. The Elastic Search AI Platform, used by more than 50% of the Fortune 500, brings together the precision of search and the intelligence of AI to enable everyone to accelerate the results that matter. By taking advantage of all structured and unstructured data — securing and protecting private information more effectively — Elastic’s complete, cloud-based solutions for search, security, and observability help organizations deliver on the promise of AI.
Tailored for Government: See how Rubrik Security Cloud meets stringent security and compliance needs of government entities.
In the vast, often bewildering landscape of enterprise IT, finding a tool that can map your entire infrastructure—across public, private, and hybrid clouds, data centers, and everything in between—is like finding a unicorn. But guess what? BMC Helix Discovery is that unicorn. It doesn’t just find your assets; it uncovers hidden connections, maps dependencies, and gives you the power to understand your entire ecosystem with one tool. Let’s see why BMC Helix Discovery is leagues ahead of the competition, with some juicy details on protocols, patterns, and other capabilities.
The Tyler Tech Podcast explores a wide range of complex, timely and important issues facing communities and the public sector. Expect approachable tech talk mixed with insights from subject matter experts and a bit of fun. Each episode highlights the people, places and technology making a difference. Give the podcast a listen today and subscribe.
Modernizing Licensing Systems With Technology
It’s all about the data. Public sector organizations require access to accurate, timely information to best serve their communities. Future-focused leaders know that a thorough IT strategy and deploying modern systems can dramatically increase efficiency, foster collaboration, and expand both resident engagement and trust. Unlocking data through 24/7/365 cloud-based access is key to achieving those goals. Dismantling informational silos across departments creates a single source of data — a critical prerequisite for improved service delivery, decision-making, and transparency.
State and local government agencies have become attractive soft targets for ransomware in the United States. School districts, utilities, law enforcement agencies and more are all coming under attack.
Agencies' communications tools are often disjointed, contributing to fragmented services rather than providing a seamless, unified platform that improves the constituent experience. Governments can modernize their communications infrastructure to unify these tools and create connected experiences, which lead to more convenient and personalized services for residents. This thought leadership paper explains what your agency needs to create connected experiences and provides several real-world examples of how connected experiences have transformed government services. Read more to find out how your organization can start building connected experiences!
Learn how a Whole of State approach brings state, local, and tribal governments together to fight cyber threats Improve your cyber resilience with hardened backups, modern backup environments, and comprehensive cyber recovery Meet all the Whole of State objectives with Rubrik’s immutable backups, automated recovery, and scalability Get Your Copy
Amid tightening budgets and rising demands, local governments and school districts are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize their budgeting processes. By leveraging AI tools, these agencies are discovering new efficiencies and funding opportunities that align resources with community priorities and save money.
Learn the essentials of public records compliance for elected officials. Understand the challenges, legal risks and importance of managing records effectively to maintain transparency and avoid costly mistakes.
SailPoint Navigate 2024 - Identity Product Management with...
When it comes to strengthening relationships between residents and government, transparency is key. Informing the public about government activities, performance, and spending not only increases public trust and engagement, but also empowers residents to make informed decisions.
The overview examines the manual tasks, such as server deployment and storage provisioning, as well as activities like patching and configuration changes, are time-consuming and prone to errors. Neglecting to apply security patches can leave government entities vulnerable to attacks. The best use of IT talent is in innovation, and automation can help address these challenges by saving time and allowing for more focus on higher-value work. Read this public sector overview for more insight.
2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Service Orchestration and Automation Platforms (SOAP)
Considering the frequency of reports of cyberattacks on local governments, it’s no surprise that cybersecurity is the top tech concern for CIOs, according to the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO).
As we look to the future, innovative RMS will play a crucial role in modernizing public safety and fostering a safer society. Read on to explore the advancements in police records management systems (RMS), from cloud-based solutions and mobile integration to AI and machine learning, and discover how these advancements can transform your agency's operations, enhance data accuracy and improve overall efficiency.
Today’s governments need solutions that can streamline the entire payment lifecycle from billing and presentment to payment capture, processing, and reporting. Fortunately, modern technology has paved the way for unified solutions that simplify complex payment processes. Thanks to these technological advancements, city and county leaders no longer have to choose between meeting the rising expectations of their residents and maintaining back-office efficiency across multiple department-level payment solutions.
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The police department plans to use the funding for various public safety technology projects, including updates to the body-worn camera system, upgrades to mobile data systems hardware, expansion of the in-car camera system and more.
The utility authority is requesting information from qualified vendors for upgrading its GIS system from the Esri geometric model to the Esri Utility Network model, including acquiring and implementing compatible electric distribution design software.
The incumbent in this position will be responsible for planning, budgeting, organizing, directing and coordinating operations for the city’s information technology office.
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