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Casselberry Issues SOQ for Surveying and GIS Services

The city has issued a statement of qualifications for vendors to demonstrate their ability to supply GIS, survey and infrastructure asset management services.

A person wearing white holding a tablet in one hand while reaching toward the camera with the other and interacting with an overlay of a topographical map on the image.
Shutterstock/Merkushev Vasiliy
The city of Casselberry has issued a statement of qualifications (SOQ) for vendors to demonstrate their ability to provide surveying, geographic information system and infrastructure asset management services.

According to the solicitation, this is a cross-department solicitation. As a result, vendor submissions must demonstrate sufficient experience to address the requirements outlined below.


  • Technical support for GIS or asset management software 
  • Software training for Esri ArcGIS and related software 
  • Assistance with ArcGIS software upgrades and other GIS software selection and installation 
  • Metadata development and maintenance 
  • Scanning, digitization, georeferencing and integration of plans, as-builts and other records and information into GIS and asset management databases 


  • Assist with selecting, implementing, analyzing and maintaining various telemetry equipment and related software  
  • Database maintenance and development  
  • Assist with selecting, implementing, analyzing and maintaining asset management software  
  • Application maintenance and development  
  • Field asset and infrastructure inventory, including surveys of existing structures and incorporating and updating related data in asset management software 


  • Conducting boundary, topographic, as-built, hydrographic, wetland line and quantity surveys 
  • Data hosting and remote services, including online GIS and backup and redundancy measures to ensure that all services continue during emergencies 
  • Maintenance map surveys 
  • Survey interpretation 
More information about SOQ-2025-1263 can be found online. The deadline for vendor questions is 2 p.m. Jan. 23, and vendor responses are due at 2 p.m. Feb. 6.


Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.