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CIOs to Discuss FDOT and the Florida Gaming Control Commission Efforts

During Industry Insider — Florida’s upcoming briefing, FDOT CIO Glendora Fortune and Florida Gaming Control Commission CIO Susan Whitmire will discuss their respective organizations and their IT work.

Industry Insider — Florida will host a Member Briefing in Tallahassee on June 26, allowing industry members to gain insights from top tech leaders in the capital.

The upcoming briefing will feature two state of Florida IT leaders:
  • Glendora Fortune has been the CIO for the Florida Department of Transportation since June 2023. Previously, she was CIO of the Office of Legislative Information Technology Services for the state Legislature. She holds a degree in management information systems from Florida State University and brings years of extensive public-sector experience to her current role. 
  • Susan Whitmire has been the CIO of the Florida Gaming Control Commission since June 2022. Previously, she was the chief of state IT strategy management for the Florida Department of Management Services. She is a certified scrum master and a project management professional with years of public-sector experience across various state agencies.  

The live Member Briefing is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. on June 26 at the AC Hotel Tallahassee Universities at the Capitol, Cascades Ballroom I and II. The briefing is open to Industry Insider members. More details about the event, as well as a registration link, can be found online.