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Delray Beach Proposes $6.2M for IT Department in FY 25 Budget

Within the city’s proposed $191.5 million budget, approximately $6.2 million has been set aside for its Department of Information Technology.

Within Delray Beach’s proposed $191.5 million Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget, $6,181,972 has been allocated to its Department of Information Technology.

According to the city’s website, the IT department “manages existing and emerging technologies in support of city government operations and services to the public.”

In FY 2023-24, $6,271,677 was allocated to the department, signaling a slight 1.4 percent decrease for the upcoming fiscal year.

In terms of operating expenses, the city anticipates a $39,000 increase in communication services, plus an additional $65,000 increase in software maintenance fees and subscriptions.

Budget documents also note a $90,000 billing credit from Verizon to offset the city’s cellular data plans.

Other notable tech funding includes:
  • $1,890,659 for IT job salaries
  • $593,000 for repair and maintenance services 
  • $250,620 for rentals and leases of equipment 
  • $139,200 for Internet access 

As for the city’s tech goals, budget documents listed the following for FY 25:
  • “Minimize downtime through proactive support initiatives” by evaluating the number of non-desktop problems that affect more than a single user and resolution time; implementing programs such as virtual desktops, a repair and replacement (hardware and software) program and training; evaluating the availability of non-desktop infrastructure during peak business hours and evaluating trends affecting application availability  
  • “To provide exceptional technological services that align with the user department business requirements” and “work with the user departments to anticipate the future benefits from the technology investment” 
  • Implement technology solutions in a timely fashion and “implement strong change management processing” 

The city operates on a fiscal year that begins Oct. 1 and ends Sept. 30. Last year's budget was adopted Sept. 18, 2023. More information about Delray Beach’s proposed budget can be found online.

Delray Beach won fourth place in its category in last year's Digital Cities awards program from the Center for Digital Government*.

*Editor's note: The Digital Cities program, as well as the Center for Digital Government, are part of e.Republic, Industry Insider — Florida's parent company.


Delray Beach
Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.