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FDOT Looks to Vendors for Traffic Signal Performance Upgrades

To qualify for the opportunity, vendors must be able to install fiber-optic connection hardware and provide controller accessories and an uninterruptible power supply.

Closeup of a traffic light illuminated greed with blurred cars driving past in the background.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has issued an invitation to bid (ITB) for vendors to provide automated traffic signal performance measures (ATSPM) upgrades.

According to the ITB, the department seeks “a vendor to upgrade or replace vehicle detection systems, traffic signal controllers, traffic signal controller cabinets and ancillary hardware to allow for the collection and forwarding of ATSPM data.”

Minimum expectations for the upgraded or replaced systems include:
  • Lane-by-lane presence detection during the approach to signalized intersections 
  • Advance detection for all lanes approaching signalized intersections 
  • Advanced transportation controllers and controller firmware capable of high-resolution data logging  
  • Relocating, upgrading and reconnecting existing equipment, power service and fiber-optic communications 
  • Installing uninterruptible power supplies to provide backup power to traffic signals in the event of a disruption to utility power service  
Important dates for interested vendors include:
More information regarding DOT-ITB-24-1332-JC can be found online.
Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.