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Florida Digital Adoption and Use Plan Outlines $2.75B in Broadband Spending

In addition to increasing digital literacy and broadband access throughout the state, the plan also highlights a potential procurement opportunity totaling $2.1 million for vendors.

AP/Toby Talbot
In the recently published Florida Digital Adoption and Use Plan from the Florida Office of Broadband and the Florida Department of Commerce is a potential procurement opportunity totaling $2.1 million for vendors to assist with community outreach and engagement, plan development, data collection and analysis.

The state’s plan results from a larger effort to expand broadband nationwide through the Digital Equity Act (DEA), passed as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in 2021 to support digital equity and digital inclusion.

Through the DEA, $2.75 billion will be allocated to create three grant programs: the State Digital Equity Planning Grant, awarding $60 million to states to develop state digital equity plans; followed by the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program, awarding $1.44 billion over five years to states to implement state digital equity plans; and the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program, awarding $1.25 billion in grant funding over five fiscal years for private and public sector and not-for-profit entities to advance digital equity and inclusion.

The Florida Digital Adoption and Use Plan is one of the state’s efforts to meet the requirements laid out in the DEA to receive $2.75 billion in funding.

Florida's plan focuses on the following:
  • Broadband Availability and Affordability: Expanding broadband service to unserved and underserved locations and increasing participation in affordable Internet service plans
  • Online Accessibility: Increasing multilingual and accessible technical support programming and expanding online accessibility of state government information
  • Online Privacy and Cybersecurity: Expanding online privacy and cybersecurity courses and increasing the protection of sensitive information online
  • Device Availability and Affordability: Increasing device availability programming and advancing outreach to promote affordable device programming
  • Digital Literacy: Increasing digital literacy programs and expanding digital navigator programming

According to the plan’s project narrative, “A procurement will be issued to sub-award to external entities to support community outreach and engagement, plan development, and data collection and analysis. It is estimated these sub-awards will total $2,083,199. However, internal staff will lead and guide the overall effort through a partnership with CareerSource Florida, local technology planning teams and other pertinent state agencies.”

More information about the Florida Digital Adoption and Use Plan and other state broadband initiatives can be found online.
Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.