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Here's a Look at Every IT Funding Request from State Agencies for 2024

State agencies have asked the Legislature for funds for more than 300 IT-related projects and expenses through the legislative budget request process. Here’s a tool compiling every one of them.

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So far, Florida state agencies have asked the Legislature for $1.1 billion for IT-related expenses for the next year.

That’s the total amount attached to projects marked as having an IT component in legislative budget requests (LBRs). More than 30 agencies submitted LBRs to the Legislature; there were just more than 300 IT-related requests among them.

Below is a searchable, sortable table of every such request published on the Florida Fiscal Portal, including the dollar amount requested, the project title, a link to the LBR and the page number it begins on.

The single largest budget item on the docket is the Agency for Health Care Administration’s Florida Health Care Connections project at $170.4 million. The project, headed into its eighth year, seeks to modernize the legacy Florida Medicaid Management Information System. The agency is in the second and third of four phases, currently working to establish interoperability and data governance structures as well as beginning to procure functional modules.

Another important item that stretches across agency budgets: the Department of Financial Services-led Planning, Accounting and Ledger Management project, which seeks to replace the decades-old Florida Accounting Information Resource system. Because the financial system is used across the state enterprise, many agencies are seeking legislative appropriations to prepare for the new system, currently scheduled to go live in 2026.

Stay tuned for more Industry Insider — Florida coverage of LBRs and the state budget.