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Hollywood’s Strategic Plan Emphasizes Using Tech for Operational Efficiency

The city also seeks to ensure its existing infrastructure can adapt to changing needs and technological advancements, support the growth of businesses through economic hubs and maximize workforce readiness.

A hand checking off a box in a checklist
Within Hollywood’s recently approved 2024 strategic plan are various tech goals for the city, including optimizing operational efficiencies and enhancing transparency and public access to information.

The city’s commission formally approved the plan on July 3 after meeting and discussing strategic focus area goals for the past year during a series of planning workshops.

Now, with a plan in place, the city looks to shift from a policy and governance perspective to a more action-forward approach by meeting the following objectives:
  • Facilitating two-way communication between the city and residents 
  • Enhancing transparency and public access to information 
  • Cultivating a culture of continuous improvement and leveraging technology to optimize operational efficiency 
  • Ensuring that existing infrastructure remains functional, meets current standards and can adapt to changing needs or technological advancements 
  • Promoting the growth of small businesses and high-wage industries by preserving key economic hubs and maximizing workforce readiness 

Also on the city’s radar is maximizing revenue sources through proactive grant pursuit and exploration of new opportunities.

More information about the city’s strategic plan can be found online.


Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.