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Important Dates to Watch for in the 2024 Legislative Session

What to expect in the upcoming legislative session commencing Jan. 9 in Tallahassee.

The Florida Capitol building in Tallahassee with a large concrete sign in front of it that says, "The Florida Capitol."
State Capitol building in Tallahassee.
(Roberto Galan/Shutterstock)
The legislative session begins Tuesday, Jan. 9 in Tallahassee. Below are some significant dates and key aspects to pay attention to as the Legislature addresses the budget:
  • Jan. 9: Regular session convenes
    • 12 p.m.: Deadline to file bills for introduction
    • Committee or subcommittee notice deadlines during session
    • Filing deadlines for floor amendments
  • Jan. 16: Attestation form deadline for appropriations project requests
  • Feb. 17: No bill may be retained for the purpose of reconsideration in committee or subcommittee after this day
  • Feb. 23: After the 45th day (Feb. 22) of a regular session, by a majority vote, the House may, on motion of the chair or vice chair of the Rules Committee, move to communications, messages from the Senate, bills and joint resolutions on third reading, or special orders
  • Feb. 24: Immediate certification of bills
  • Feb. 27: Last day for regularly scheduled committee meetings
  • March 4: After the 55th day (March 3) of a regular session:
    • Main floor amendments must be approved for filing with the clerk no later than 8 a.m.
    • No House bills on second reading may be taken up and considered by the House
  • March 7: After the 58th day (March 6) of the regular session the House can only consider returning messages, conference reports and concurrent resolutions
  • March 8: Last day of regular session, if the Legislature completes work in 60 days
  • The budget is finalized a few days after session ends

More information on the legislative session, including a detailed calendar, can be found on the Florida Senate website.
Cristina Carter is a Tallahassee-based staff writer. She has a bachelor's degree in English literature and a master's degree in international affairs, both from Florida State University.