At Tuesday’s Vision 2024: Digital Transformation in State & Local Government event hosted by FedInsider, Michelle Taylor, the chief information officer of Leon County, and Dr. Craig Knight, solutions engineer for Okta, discussed how the Florida Digital Service (FLDS) utilizes technology to aid customers.
Taylor emphasized the substantial benefit her agency received from FLDS, particularly noting the $30 million Florida Local Government Cybersecurity Grant awarded last year.
“193 separate agencies benefited from the grant in 66 out of 67 counties. And in Leon County, we were awarded $720,000 worth of licenses for two cybersecurity solutions. That was huge for us, especially with 2024 being an election year.”
When considering cybersecurity, Taylor stressed its vulnerability to a potential setback if a budget proposal, currently under review by the state’s Legislature, fails to gain approval. “We’re optimistic about the potential allocation of $40 million in the 2024 budget, which has not yet been released,” she stated.
Leon County acquired its initial license via the 2023 Florida Local Government Cybersecurity Grant for a next-generation AI-based antivirus solution. Furthermore, she underscored FLDS’ commitment to providing extensive educational services, including interactive workshops aimed at fostering collaboration.
Knight offered advice on cybersecurity, proposing the question, “Which cybersecurity aspects require our attention?”
FLDS serves as a valuable resource, offering guidance to counties, cities, and state government agencies by delineating critical security measures and tasks. “Essentially, they provide a list of things you should be focusing on and actions you need to take,” Knight said.
Taylor added: “When faced with challenges, having experts in different areas becomes crucial. FLDS has been very receptive to the special needs of cities and counties.” During these situations, they provided her agency with a range of solutions to choose from.
From a client’s perspective it is important to use a system that protects and recovers applications containing personal information and insight. When asked how she prepares for these moments, Taylor responded: “The biggest thing is to prepare ahead of time. It is important to have layers and layers of security.”
IT Leaders Discuss Data-Driven Solutions and Digital Interactions With Government
During a recent Tallahassee event, the CIO of Leon County and Okta’s solutions engineer discussed how the Florida Digital Service has enhanced customer experience, notably through securing a $30 million cybersecurity grant in 2023.