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Lee County Seeks In-Building Cellular Distributed Antenna System

The Board of Commissioners seeks to work with a qualified vendor to provide in-building coverage enhancement systems to supply reliable voice and data cellular communications within its emergency operations center.

broadband tower at sunset
Lee County’s Board of County Commissioners has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for vendors to supply an in-building cellular distributed antenna system.

According to the RFP, the board is looking for “a qualified contractor to provide in-building coverage enhancement systems that include a multi-source distributed antenna system (DAS) and bidirectional amplifiers (BDA) to provide reliable voice and data cellular communications within the county’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) campus.”

These systems must provide in-building coverage for AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile voice and data cellular networks. The bid document also notes that the vendor must supply all necessary equipment, software, programming, installation, system configuration, testing, final acceptance and training.

Currently, the county’s BDA and DAS systems exist separately within the EOC campus building. However, moving forward, the goal is to install a single shared DAS system that will provide reliable coverage throughout the entire facility and decommission the existing DAS equipment.

The vendor will be responsible for:
  • Working with AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile to determine the appropriate signal source, frequencies to be amplified, donor site and authorizations necessary to enable the system and ensure it works appropriately  
  • Providing design services using in-building design software to accurately model in-building wireless performance to identify head-end equipment, remotes, distribution antennas and coaxial cable runs  
  • Working with the county to confirm the system design and receive approval for equipment installation locations and power requirements  
  • Serving as a liaison between the commercial carriers and the county to confirm all requirements for the installation and ongoing operation of cellular BDA and DAS equipment within the EOC  
  • Working with the carriers to identify any existing bidirectional amplifiers or signal sources currently used in the building that can be repurposed for integration into a new DAS head end 

More detailed information about RFP240191CMR, including all submission requirements and requests, can be found online. The proposal deadline is 2:30 p.m. on June 10.


Lee County
Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.