Miami-Dade County may soon issue a request for information (RFI) to gauge vendors’ interest in providing Internet connectivity, managed router and colocation services at the Network Access Point (NAP) of the Americas.
For context, NAP of the Americas is a large data center in Miami that serves as a connection point for Internet traffic from Central and South America.
The county seeks to enhance and potentially overhaul its current Internet connectivity, managed router and colocation services to better support future growth and operational needs.
As a result, the county may soon issue an RFI to identify potential vendors and solutions, understand the current market, assess vendor capabilities, understand customization and scalability options, and assess risk mitigation.
According to the RFI, the county last issued an invitation to bid for Internet access and managed router services in 2004.
“Over the past 20 years, the county has procured these services through the Network Access Point of the Americas, operated by Equinix, utilizing various contractors operating within the facility,” the RFI states.
Now, however, the county seeks feedback from vendors who meet several minimum requirements for Internet connectivity, managed router services and colocation services.
More detailed information about Solicitation EVN0018605 can be found online.
Miami-Dade County May Soon Seek Internet Connectivity Services
The county recently published a draft of the scope of services for a request for information to gauge firms’ interest in providing Internet connectivity, managed router and colocation services at the Network Access Point of the Americas.
