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Osceola County School District Issues RFP for ERP Software

The enterprise resource planning system for the county’s school district must be SaaS-based, web-accessible and able to integrate with existing systems using configurable APIs.

A businessman in a blurred background is holding out his hand. Above his hand is a digital drawing of a network of ERP-related symbols.
The School District of Osceola County has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for enterprise resource planning software.

According to the RFP, the school district’s current ERP environment comprises various software applications, including “TERMS Crosspoint,” which was implemented in July 1999 and is hosted on-premises.

Other third-party systems the school district uses include Kronos iSeries to track time and attendance, Infinite BrassRing for applicant tracking, PowerSchool myPGS for professional development and several “homegrown” applications.

As a result, the RFP states that the current ERP system is too highly customized and no longer meets the district’s needs and strategic priorities.

The school district seeks to acquire a new ERP system that meets the following minimum requirements:
  • The system must have an installed base in K-12 school districts in the United States 
  • The system must be a software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering hosted in the cloud by the supplier or at a third-party site arranged by the supplier 
  • The system must be accessible via a variety of web browsers 
  • The system must integrate seamlessly with ancillary systems, including the district’s SSO portal, through configurable APIs 
  • The system must have a flexible, intuitive report writer tool that can access data from all modules and external data 
More information about RFP SDOC-25-P-077-KR can be found online. A non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held at 2 p.m. Jan. 29, and vendor proposals are due by 2 p.m. Feb. 28.
Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.