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Palm Beach Seeks ERP Software and Implementation Services

The enterprise resource planning software will serve as a central repository for data related to financial accounting, procurement, reporting and employee records.

Concept art for ERP systems, showing a network of different symbols for ERP-related tasks. In the center is a bubble that says, "ERP." In the background is a blurred image of a businessman.
The town of Palm Beach is requesting proposals from qualified vendors to provide enterprise resource planning (ERP) software and implementation services.

The town has relied on Eden, a Tyler Technologies-based platform, as its ERP system for almost 20 years. Now it has issued a request for proposals (RFP) to replace the system, stating that “the current systems allow the town to process its required business transactions but not always in the most efficient manner. Manual and often duplicative entry still occurs and is not only time-consuming but also increases the likelihood of errors.”

With these issues in mind, the town is looking for a new ERP system that can handle the following:
  • Customer billing: The town plans to use the new ERP system as its official accounting record. While some departments will continue to use specialized software for specific processes, the new ERP system must integrate seamlessly with existing systems and provide a unified online bill payment system that is accessible and usable by all departments.  
  • Human resources: The system must be able to track employees’ career paths, from initial hiring to career development and succession planning, and provide tools to support employee growth, performance evaluations and training programs. Other requirements include streamlining administrative tasks such as payroll, benefits management and attendance tracking, ensuring all employee-related data is easily accessible and current. 
  • Procure to pay: According to the RFP, the town aims to overhaul its purchasing policies to align with industry best practices, as recommended by the Government Finance Officers Association. The new ERP system will automate and streamline many of these processes. 
  • Time entry and payroll: “This project aims to streamline operations by reducing inefficiencies and minimizing reliance on Excel spreadsheets,” the RFP states. “Currently, various town departments utilize different systems for time entry, making seamless integration with these diverse systems a critical requirement for the new software. This transition is expected to enhance data accuracy, reduce manual entry errors and provide a unified platform for tracking employee hours.” 
  • Treasury: Currently, departments use various systems to manage distinct processes tailored to their specific functions. “Though effective individually, these systems contribute to a fragmented and often cumbersome workflow,” the RFP states. As a result, the town aims to use the new ERP system to streamline operations by consolidating the number of systems town staff use.   

Palm Beach is home to about 8,800 residents and operates on an annual budget of $84 million.

More information about RFP No. 2024-30 can be found online. All vendor questions must be submitted by Sept. 11, and proposals are due at 3 p.m. Sept. 18.


Palm Beach
Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.