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PALM Project Director Highlights IT Work Related to Statewide Effort

The new cloud-based financial management platform aims to provide real-time insights and collaboration for all state agencies. It's also driving spending across Florida government.

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Florida's PALM (Planning, Accounting and Ledger Management) Project intends to streamline financial management across all state agencies, offering new opportunities for vendors. Launched in 2021, the project is in its final stages as it is set to go live January 2026.

With a significant $93 million in legislative budget requests spread across state departments, the project opens doors for vendors. Notable allocations include $11.6 million for theDepartment of Transportation to remediate more than 1,000 IT assets related to the current FLAIR system and $6.6 million for the Department of Environmental Protection for a variety of activities including 25 staff augmentation hires for database administration, application development and more.

Industry Insider — Florida will run a complete list of PALM-related legislative budget requests for 2024 on Friday.

The PALM project, spearheaded by the Florida Department of Financial Services, has been a multiyear development to replace outdated financial systems with an integrated cloud-based platform. The new system is meant to allow real-time collaboration, transparency and a more interconnected government.

The PALM project’s manager, Jimmy Cox, recently spoke with Industry Insider — Florida about the project's completion, opportunities vendors might be interested in and how to learn about upcoming procurements related to the project.

Industry Insider — Florida: Are there any RFQs (request for quotes), RFPs (request for proposals), RFIs (request for information) or ITNs (invitation to negotiate) open for the PALM project?

Cox: Most have been completed at this time. The following is a summary of our current/recent (last six months) procurements:
  • Support Services (IT Staff Aug Resources): The procurement is complete, and the team is in place. This was procured using the IT Staff Augmentation state term contract (STC) 80101507-21-STC-ITSA. Generally, this contract is procured every two years. However, as this contract is procured under an STC, procurement frequency could vary depending on changes/expiration of that STC.
  • ServiceNow Implementation Services: Procurement is complete. We are in the process of awarding. This was procured through an Alternate Contract Source (ACS) Cloud Solutions 43230000-NASPO-16-ACS. This is a one-time procurement and we do not plan to perform additional procurements.
  • Quality Assurance Services: Procurement is upcoming and expected to be released in the next three months. This will be awarded through a STC; either 80101507-21-STC-ITSA or 80101507-22-STC-ITSA Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services. The RFQ will be published via MyFloridaMarketPlace, the state of Florida’s procurement system. These services will be procured every two years. However, as this contract will be under an STC, procurement frequency could vary depending on changes/expiration of that STC.
  • The larger Software and System Integrator (SSI) contract expires in July 2027, but has a nine-year renewal. The decision to renew or reprocure has not been made at this time.

IIFL: Where is the best place to go for upcoming bids?

Cox: When issuing a new procurement, we utilize MyFloridaMarketPlace, the state of Florida’s procurement system.

IIFL: How many different areas are open to bid now and/or are coming up?

Cox: Contracts are procured by the Florida Department of Management Services, with the current contract being executed in the summer of 2023.

IIFL: What are state agencies doing to prepare for PALM?

Cox: Most agencies will have to retire or remediate their agency-specific business systems to integrate with Florida PALM. The level of effort for each agency will vary depending on the nature, complexity and number of agency business systems that must be remediated.

IIFL: What work and/or opportunities will these changes create?

Cox: Some agencies may be able to complete remediation of their agency business system(s) with internal staff (state employees), while other agencies may require additional staff augmentation support. Each agency is responsible for their own business systems, including any related procurements for additional resources. The Readiness Workplan is published on the Florida PALM website and includes the various tasks and due dates for agency readiness activities.

More information on the PALM project is available on the Florida DFS website.

Editor's note: The total dollar amount of PALM-related requests from state agencies has been corrected.
Cristina Carter is a Tallahassee-based staff writer. She has a bachelor's degree in English literature and a master's degree in international affairs, both from Florida State University.