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Profiles in Government: A Closer Look at Palm Beach County

The third most populous county in the state, Palm Beach has a total budget of $7.9 billion with an estimated IT budget of more than $157.5 million.

West Palm Beach, Fla._shutterstock_411660343
Palm Beach County, which claims the largest fiber network county in Florida, is planning several technology projects for 2024 including an estimated $157.5 million IT budget.

The county, which is the third most populous in the state, spans 2,383 miles. It was established in 1909 after being separated from Dade County and was recognized as the 47th county in the state of Florida. Below is more information about the county, including what tech projects it’s currently working on, who leads its Information Systems Services Department (ISS) and how many staff the city employs in that department.


Budget: $7.9 billion overall with $157.5 million for information technology, according to an estimate from the Center for Digital Government.* The capital budget includes $17.5 million for IT systems.

Leadership: Archie Satchell, CIO of ISS of Palm Beach County.

Staff: According to their website, there are more than 200 full-time employees at ISS.


Palm Beach County is known for a successful collaborative homegrown approach when it comes to IT. The county has approximately 350 applications and has shared technology with the city of Jacksonville, provinces of Canada and the government of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Satchell told Government Technology* in a recent interview.

The county’s five-year capital improvement plan, covering 2023-2027 for capital improvements, includes $14.2 million for 11 ISS projects. That includes:
  • $6 million each year for network infrastructure
  • $4.3 million in FY2023 and $6 million each year afterward for platform infrastructure
  • $1.25 million in FY2023 and $1 million each year afterward for communications and telephony
ISS oversees supplementary programs, including a 24-hour help desk, geographic information systems (GIS), IT security and user training. Every department and agency within county government relies on various ISS services. Furthermore, ISS extends its services to numerous agencies through collaborative agreements with Palm Beach County.

As for funded projects, budget documents highlight the following:
  • IT Capital Improvement Fund: $17,490,000
  • Water utilities IT: $13,481,000
  • Court IT Fund: $6,721,069
  • IT Systems: $3,205,606
  • Airports IT: $2,621,520
*The Center for Digital Government and Government Technology are part of e.Republic, the parent company of Industry Insider — Florida.
Cristina Carter is a Tallahassee-based staff writer. She has a bachelor's degree in English literature and a master's degree in international affairs, both from Florida State University.