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Profiles in Government: A Closer Look at the City of Gainesville

With a population of 145,212, the city boasts a total budget of $455 million and an IT budget of $5.2 million.

University of Florida.jpg
University of Florida
Gainesville, home to the University of Florida, is planning several significant technology investments, including a $3 million service-level agreement for IT services from Gainesville Regional Utilities and $776,041 for ERP Workday maintenance.

The city spans 65.27 square miles and is the largest city and county seat of Alachua County, with a population of 145,212 residents.

Below is more information about the city, including what tech projects it is currently working on, who leads its technology department and how many staff the city employs.


Budget: $455.4 million overall with a $5.2 million Technology Department budget, according to the city’s FY 2024 adopted financial and operating plan budget.

Leadership: Walter Banks is the city’s chief information officer, overseeing its Technology Department.

Staff: Gainesville has more than 2,220 city employees, according to the city’s website.

How to buy: The city’s Department of Financial Services is responsible for acquiring all supplies, materials, equipment and services required by all city departments. Suppliers can access GovSpend to submit quotes for projects and visit DemandStar to see all city projects.


According to the city’s FY 2024 adopted financial and operating plan budget, the following funding has been allocated for tech:
  • $2,956,697 for a service-level agreement for information technology services from Gainesville Regional Utilities, a multi-service utility owned by the city  
  • $776,041 for ERP Workday maintenance  
  • $190,000 for the city’s PC replacement plan  
  • $41,062 for bandwidth costs  
  • $30,000 for Office 365 updates  

More information about the city’s fiscal year 2024 adopted financial and operating plan can be found online.


Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.