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Profiles in Government: A Closer Look at the City of Tallahassee

With a population of 196,169, the city boasts a total budget of $1.1 billion and $24 million for tech and innovation capital investments for FY 24.

Tallahassee, better known as Florida’s capital, is planning several significant tech investments, including $10 million into public safety technology and $2.8 million on an enterprisewide Cityworks implementation.

The city, which spans 98.2 square miles, is also home to Florida State University and has an overall population of 196,169 residents.

More information about the city, the tech projects it is currently working on, who leads its technology department, and how many staff members it employs is included below.


Budget: $1.1 billion overall with $24 million for tech and innovation capital investments for FY 24, according to the city’s FY 2024 approved budget and FY 24-FY 28 capital improvement plan.

Leadership: Tim Davis is the city’s chief information officer.

Staff: Tallahassee has 99 city employees within its Technology and Innovation Department, according to the city’s website.

How to buy: The Procurement Services Division is the city’s centralized purchasing office, overseeing all policies, procedures and practices for purchasing, accounts payable, purchase cards, warehouses and contracts administration. Vendors can register on the city’s procurement portal for free and all bids are also posted on BidSync.


According to the city’s FY 24-FY 28 capital improvement plan, the following funding has been allocated for tech:
  • $10,122,600 for public safety technology 
  • $2,750,000 for an enterprisewide Cityworks implementation 
  • $2,140,000 for utility technology support and access database replacement 
  • $1,360,000 for the Tallahassee Police Department to replace laptop computers  
  • $1,330,000 for an applications and database upgrade 

More information about the city’s approved budget for fiscal year 2024 can be found online.


Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.