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Sarasota School Board Seeking Discounted Tech, Equipment

The school board is requesting proposals to establish a fixed percentage discount off MSRP/vendor catalog for technology equipment for schools and departments on an as-needed basis for one year from the award date.

Students using technology at school
Group of teenagers social networking using several tech devices in high school
Antonio Diaz/Antonio Diaz
The School Board of Sarasota County (SBSC) is seeking bids for a fixed percentage discount off MSRP and/or vendor catalog for technology equipment, with a one-year contract and two optional one-year renewals.

Bidders must submit percentage discounts for technology equipment from the vendor catalog, with firm discounts for one year, including freight. Installation requires following SBSC security, waste disposal and site cleanup. The bid is for one year, with two optional one-year renewals.

The bid will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidders, with possible multiple awards.

Bids are due by 1 p.m. Jan. 22 and should be submitted online.
Cristina Carter is a Tallahassee-based staff writer. She has a bachelor's degree in English literature and a master's degree in international affairs, both from Florida State University.