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Tracking the Spend: Commerce Department Spent $28M on Top 5 IT Buys in 2023

Purchases from vendors included technical tools, such as database user interface and query software, voice synthesizer and recognition software, proprietary or licensed systems maintenance, data management and query software and Internet services.

Closeup of a hand palm up with a blue dollar sign hovering above it. Black background.
The Florida Department of Commerce spent $28,247,371 in 2023 on its five largest IT-related purchases.

The department is responsible for advancing the state’s economy by promoting economic opportunities for all Floridians and administering state and federal programs related to workforce, community and economic development.

Here, rounded up, are the agency’s five largest purchases during Q3, according to data from the Florida Accountability Contract Tracking System:

  • $11,898,195 to Strategic Communications, an integrated provider of national IT services and infrastructure solutions    
  • $10,664,239 to Global Technology Solutions LLC, which provides expertise in Oracle solutions, including implementations, development, hosting, training and support services
  • $3,739,110 to Geographic Solutions Inc., which develops and maintains online software for workforce development, economic development, education, corrections, human services and unemployment insurance industries 
  • $1,040,612 to Insight Public Sector Inc., which offers hardware and software solutions and custom tech services 
  • $905,216 to V3Gate LLC, an IT solutions provider for the U.S. federal, state and local governments 

Regarding specific purchases, the department spent about $11,898,195 on database user interface and query software; $10,364,239 on voice synthesizer and recognition software; $3,739,110 on proprietary or licensed systems maintenance support; $1,001,612 on business function-specific software; $918,528 on data management and query software; and $300,000 on Internet or intranet client application development services.
Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.