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Tracking the Spend: Department of Children and Families Spent $40M on Top Five IT Buys in Q3

During the year’s third quarter, the Florida Department of Children and Families purchased goods and services from Cardinal Health 110 Inc., Exela Enterprise Solutions, Insight Public Sector and more.

Hand protecting family on wood table. Healthcare and life insurance concept
The Florida Department of Children and Families spent $40 million on its five largest IT-related purchases during the third quarter of 2023.

The department oversees all public assistance efforts within the state, including providing access to food, medical assistance and funding to families and communities in need.

Here, rounded up, are the agency’s five largest purchases during Q3, according to data from the Florida Accountability Contract Tracking System:
  • $12 million to Cardinal Health 110 Inc., a pharmaceutical, medical and laboratory products distributor and a provider of performance and data solutions for health-care facilities 
  • $11 million to Exela Enterprise Solutions Inc., a provider of cloud-based solutions and data management services  
  • $6 million to Insight Public Sector Inc., which provides public-sector IT solutions, cybersecurity software products and services 
  • $6 million to Computer Aid Inc., which provides IT staffing and management workforce services 
  • $5 million to Hopper Consulting and Staffing, which provides staffing assistance to health-care facilities 

Regarding specific purchases, the department spent about $11 million on mailing services, $8 million on narcotic antagonists, $6 million on temporary personnel services, $5 million on temporary medical staffing needs, $4 million on networking software, $2 million on antipsychotic benzene derivatives, $2 million on combination CNS medications and $1 million on computer-based training software.
Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.