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Tracking the Spend: FDOT Spent $97M on Top Five IT Buys in Q3

During the year’s third quarter, the Florida Department of Transportation purchased goods and services from Computer Aid, Granny’s Alliance Holdings, SHI International Corp. and more.

Florida Tri Rail Train
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) spent $97,537,910 on its five largest IT-related purchases during the third quarter of 2023.

The department establishes policies, rules, procedures and standards for the state’s public transportation network.

Here, rounded up, are the agency’s five largest purchases during Q3, according to data from the Florida Accountability Contract Tracking System:
  • $46 million to Computer Aid Inc., a global technology services firm that focuses on digital transformation and innovation 
  • $20 million to Granny’s Alliance Holdings Inc., an emergency relief company that provides disaster tools and equipment to organizations   
  • $12 million to SHI International Corp., which offers in-house data center integration, device configuration and deployment and license advisory services 
  • $10 million to Kyra Solutions Inc., which provides technology-driven solutions for optimizing workflows  
  • $9 million to Guidesoft, which offers provider programs, vendor management, mobile workforce solutions and staffing services 

Regarding specific purchases, the department spent about $45 million on temporary personnel services, $20 million on specialized accommodation services, $10 million on IT consulting services, $5 million on temporary travel staffing, $4 million on operating system software, $2 million on cloud-based software as a service, $1 million on data management and query software, $1 million on software maintenance and support and $1 million on temporary technician staffing needs.

Read more about FDOT's IT outlook in Industry Insider — Florida's one-on-one interview with the department's CIO, Glendora Fortune here.
Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.