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What’s on Tap: A Look Ahead at Our Florida Coverage

From exclusive interviews with IT leaders to early examinations of leaders’ priorities and business explainers, here’s what’s on the docket for Industry Insider — Florida.

Florida (11)
Welcome to Industry Insider — Florida!

We are just getting started bringing you mission-critical insights into state and local government IT throughout Florida. Here’s a glimpse at some of the content we will be publishing in the coming days to begin our journey in the Sunshine State:
  • A look at every IT-related expense state agencies have asked the Legislature to fund in 2024
  • An exclusive one-on-one interview with Glendora Fortune, CIO of the Florida Department of Transportation, discussing her priorities and philosophy
  • Explainers on budget timelines, important contracts and other need-to-know details of doing business with state and local agencies
  • Early-stage projects, including those that have been funded or gone through a request for information but are not yet in procurement
  • Examinations of notable IT procurements
  • Highlights of strategic plans, business plans and other guidance
  • Coverage of events in the state and local government IT space
  • Significant government job openings
If you have any news tips for the Insider team, send them to Ben Miller at