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The Importance of Tiered Delegation and ACL Management

Your Defense Against Cyberattackers

Active Directory (AD) plays a critical role as the primary identity provider for numerous organizations throughout the world, forming the backbone of access control and authentication systems. However, its central role and widespread use makes AD a prime target for attackers seeking to escalate privileges and gain unauthorized access within the target environment. This technique is often known as a domain escalation attack or privilege abuse. These attacks can have devastating consequences, enabling attackers to gain elevated privileges and potentially compromise entire networks.

Although many domain escalation attacks typically involve exploiting misconfigurations or vulnerabilities, some are closely related to poorly managed permissions within the AD infrastructure. The attackers’ goal is to escalate their privileges step by step, often by leveraging legitimate tools and processes within the AD infrastructure. By leveraging these weaknesses and misconfigurations, attackers can gradually elevate their privileges, move laterally across the network, and ultimately gain control over critical systems and data.


For security teams charged with defending hybrid and multi-cloud environments, Semperis ensures the integrity and availability of critical enterprise directory services at every step in the cyber kill chain and cuts recovery time by 90%. Purpose-built for securing hybrid Active