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Sunshine Cyber Conference

The Senate Appropriations Committee on Higher Education met to discuss how Florida is increasingly becoming a national leader in cybersecurity, thanks to the efforts of Cyber Florida, a statewide initiative based at the University of South Florida.
During a recent cybersecurity conference in Tampa, a senior IT business consultant from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement discussed how the agency evaluates and responds to cyber crime.
During a recent cybersecurity conference in Tampa, security professionals from Miami-Dade and Pasco counties shared their perspectives on AI and its impact on risk and security.
During a cybersecurity conference held last week in Tampa, the state’s chief information security officer discussed Florida’s approach to artificial intelligence during a panel discussion about AI best practices, challenges and opportunities.
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State and local government agencies generate vast amounts of various unstructured data types. From citizen records that contain personally identifiable information (PII) to HR records and operational data full of information that fraudsters want to steal, government professionals face a significant data protection challenge.
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