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Department of Environmental Protection Requests $9.6M for IT Projects

DEP’s legislative budget request covers several tech-related items, including application infrastructure support services and implementing a user-friendly SaaS system.

Hands holding a tablet with IT symbols on it including an email inbox, a cloud storage icon, a magnifying glass and bar charts.
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The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is requesting a total of $9.6 million for five technology initiatives in its legislative budget request (LBR).

The agency’s largest request is $3 million to continue the implementation of a user-friendly software-as-a-service (SaaS) system to support environmental permitting life cycle management functions for water resource-related regulatory programs and recurring maintenance costs.

According to the LBR, “the lifecycle for water-resource permits is tracked and managed through multiple applications and manual processes which have been created and modified over the past 20 years.”

Over time, the functionality of these applications and processes has decreased, resulting in disconnected workflows and permitting processing delays. The new system would aim to provide better data accountability and smoother business processes, ultimately saving time for department staff involved in the permitting process.

If the agency’s request is denied, it would “negatively impact data quality, efficiency of human resources, and the ability to stay in compliance with federal and state regulations and permit processing targets,” the LBR states.

Other department IT-related requests include:
  • $2.9 million to establish, migrate and maintain an electronic document management system (EDMS) in the cloud 
  • $2.4 million for Florida Planning, Accounting and Ledger Management (PALM) readiness 
  • $1.3 million to cover escalating costs of essential IT equipment, tools and services 
  • $102,033 to cover annual escalations allowed in private lease agreements for office space, staff parking and additional space needs 
More information about the department’s legislative budget requests can be found online.
Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.