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Motor Vehicles Department Issues Bid for Credentialing Equipment

Vendor requirements include purchasing, installing and maintaining equipment such as cameras, signature pads, scanners and interface software.

Aerial view of Jacksonville, Fla., on a sunny day.
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) has issued an invitation to negotiate (ITN) for qualified vendors to provide credentialing equipment and maintenance services.

According to the ITN, “the department is in the process of re-engineering all of its motorist systems,” resulting in a multiyear phased plan focused on mitigating risks and providing improved functionality over time for all impacted systems.

The plan includes a statewide, multi-phased purchase to install and maintain multiple complete equipment systems consisting of cameras, signature pads, scanners and interface software, which would take, process and store images in the department’s custom-written application known as ORION.

The ITN also states approximately 262 agency sites use ORION, including FLHSMV offices and Florida Licensing on Wheels (FLOW), as well as tax collector offices that issue driver’s licenses and identification cards.

Currently, the department is using Epson DS-1630 or Epson GT-1500 scanners, Canon T3 camera towers and Verifone MX 925 signature pads to produce images for the system.

For vendors interested in the opportunity, important dates include:
More information about ITN-07658 can be found online.
Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.