With hurricane season opening in Florida, Orange County has modernized its emergency operations center (EOC) by upgrading its technology to better deal with storms.
“The building’s original layout was built in 2001, so optimizing space and upgrading technology and security were our three main priorities when redesigning the space,” said Lauraleigh Avery, a division chief for Orange County Fire Rescue, in a press release.
Recent upgrades to the EOC will allow team members to closely monitor impending severe weather and damage using drone and traffic footage. Any acquired footage will be viewable in each room in the center and linked to other emergency operations centers and the National Weather Service.
Also new to the EOC: Data will now be consolidated into a central information platform for tracking all preparation, response and recovery efforts before, during and after storms.
“It’s about system optimization and having the tools that enhance visibility and connectivity,” Avery said in a release. “When we do a briefing now, the primary floor is connected to all our partners, so if there’s a press conference going on, we can put it up so staff can continue to work in their rooms and not have to come to the main area. Everyone will know what’s going on across the entire county in real time.”
More information about the county’s tech upgrades and tips for preparing for hurricane season can be found online.
Orange County Modernizes Emergency Operations Center
To prepare for hurricane season, starting June 1, Orange County has upgraded the technology in its emergency operations center to better predict and deal with storms.