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Orange County

The county is seeking solicitations for its SCADA Package V including all labor, equipment and materials required for construction.
Robert Greene brings more than 10 years of private-sector experience to the role, recently serving as the office’s assistant chief information officer.
Within the county’s proposed $6.9 billion budget, approximately $75 million has been earmarked for its Information Systems and Services Division.
During the half-day educational workshop, the county’s chief procurement officer discussed how to compete for more than $750 million worth of county-managed contracts with local business owners and contractors.
This year, seven Florida counties, including Orange County, were recognized for their innovative efforts and technology projects, impacting residents communitywide.
During the meeting, business owners and contractors can learn more about opportunities to compete for more than $700 million worth of county-managed contracts.
The county plans to use this tool to help forecast associated expenditures related to service and facility demands from future growth and development.
During the mayor’s State of the County address, he mentioned several uses of technology, including innovative permitting solutions, expanding broadband access and interactive dashboards.
To prepare for hurricane season, starting June 1, Orange County has upgraded the technology in its emergency operations center to better predict and deal with storms.
The county seeks highly skilled information technology contractors for short-term assignments, long-term projects and staff augmentation.
During the inaugural Central Florida Digital Government Summit held last week, Orange County CIO Rafael Mena shared tips for vendors on how to best work with the county.
The chosen candidate would oversee the operation, performance and maintenance of the county’s supervisory control and data acquisition telemetry system.
In the request for proposal, the county aims to initiate a five-year contract for supervisory control and data acquisition services.
With the help of a data dashboard, the Orange County Vision Zero Action Plan aims to create safer roads for 2.2 million residents and 75 million tourists who visit Central Florida annually.
On April 25, Industry Insider — Florida will host its inaugural Central Florida Digital Government Summit, featuring city of Orlando CIO Rosa Akhtarkhavari and Orange County CIO Rafael Mena.
With the new tech, residents can make video calls to first responders during an emergency to help identify their location and assess surrounding danger.
The draft plan, which would address unmet needs in Orange County following Hurricane Ian, highlights the demand for increased cybersecurity, weather detection and water quality technology.
For vendors interested in working with the state’s five largest counties, here are important budget timelines to know.
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