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Orange County Proposes $75M for Tech in FY 25 Budget

Within the county’s proposed $6.9 billion budget, approximately $75 million has been earmarked for its Information Systems and Services Division.

A pile of $100 bills with a graph overlayed on top of them.
Within Orange County’s proposed $6.9 billion Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget, approximately $75,845,168 has been allocated to its Information Systems and Services Division (ISS).

According to the county’s website, the division is responsible for the enterprisewide design, implementation and support of Orange County government’s technology infrastructure.

In FY 2023-24, $81,551,931 was allocated to the division, signaling a 7 percent decrease for the upcoming fiscal year.

The division is budgeting for countywide Microsoft programs, resulting in a $3.6 million increase in its software licensing support fee budget. Software renewals and new technology implementations are also expected to increase by $2.5 million, according to budget documents.

As for capital improvement plan funding, the budget outlines the following for ISS:
  • $18,791,880 for a 911 system upgrade 
  • $5,000,000 for technology hardware replacement 
  • $850,000 for network infrastructure 
  • $560,000 for a telecommunications system upgrade 

The county will hold two public hearings on the budget in September and officially implement the budget on Oct. 1. More information about the county’s proposed budget can be found online.
Katya Diaz is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.