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Revenue Department Asks for $41.3M for IT Projects

The Florida Department of Revenue’s legislative budget request covers several IT-related items, including a three-year project to replace and modernize the Child Support Automated Management System (CAMS) to transition to SAP S/4CAMS.

Closeup of a hand palm up with a blue dollar sign hovering above it. Black background.
The Florida Department of Revenue is requesting a total of $41.3 million for more than 20 technology initiatives in its legislative budget request.

The agency’s largest request is $31.5 million for its Child Support Automated Management System (CAMS) to transition to SAP S/4. CAMS is a certified automated child support system built on SAP. However, SAP will end support for the current system in 2027, so an upgrade to SAP S/4 is needed, which is supported until 2040.

The 2024 Legislature allocated $46.6 million for the upgrade, with $39.6 million planned for Fiscal Year 2024-25. The project is expected to take three years, with Phase 1 (migration of CRM and ECC modules) completing by FY25-26 and Phase 2 (business warehouse migration) finishing by FY26-27.

The department’s other IT-related requests are:
  • $3.8 million for the Electronic File and Pay System supporting filings and remittances
  • $1.9 million for an increase in staff augmentation services for SUNTAX
  • $1.4 million for software cost increases including more than 20 solutions, such as operating systems, applications and cybersecurity
  • $1.3 million for Florida Planning, Accounting and Ledger Management (PALM) readiness
  • $967,200 for the upgrade of SAP software to S/4 HANA (S/4)
  • $948,610 for a cloud-based case management and staff augmentation system and staff
  • $622,600 to replace core network equipment and prevent connectivity issues for offices outside Tallahassee
  • $595,989 for cloud computing costs to build new services in Azure instead of the state database
  • $416,281 to upgrade the Miami-Dade call center with current architecture
  • $395,000 for a cloud-based SQL database for the Property Tax Oversight program
  • $156,567 for maintenance cost increases in the Fairfax contract
  • $112,464 to install a dedicated network connection from Express Route TLH to the SUNTAX disaster recovery site in Azure GOV-West
  • $101,001 to replace and upgrade OPEX sorter/scanning equipment
  • $94,475 for an increase in contracted services for security guards
  • $93,600 for contractors supporting IT application development in the Information Services Program
  • $90,341 to replace the virtual assistant in the Child Support Program
More information about the department’s legislative budget requests can be found online.
Cristina Carter is a Tallahassee-based staff writer. She has a bachelor's degree in English literature and a master's degree in international affairs, both from Florida State University.