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Bridging the Gap: Practical Tips to Align Data Security and Data Protection

October 03, 2023 | 2:00 PM3:00 PM

Backup professionals used to prepare for physical disasters, while security professionals planned for different types of disasters. In the age of ransomware, the lines between these disciplines are disappearing, yet too many security and backup teams are still not in synch.

Data protection and recovery is a key part of your cyber resiliency strategy, but only if it’s done right. Backups can’t be a backdoor or sore spot in your security strategy, and data protection can’t be an afterthought in your security incident response planning.

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Veeam Software is dedicated to helping state and local government agencies in Texas maintain accurate data protection and recovery at all times. Veeam® powers the modern government agency by providing award-winning products that deliver Availability for the Always-On Enterprise™. Our team of dedicated account managers and solution architects located in Texas provide solutions to protect all electronic data, making specific reference to encryption, access controls, key management, risk management, auditing and monitoring.