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Cloud on Tap: How Public Utilities Can Deliver Improved Customer Service

April 25, 2023 | 12:00 PM1:00 PM

Water and sanitation public utilities are one of the most visible ways that citizens interact with local government. Poor service delivery, unanswered phone calls and indecipherable bills can frustrate customers and damage the reputation of these important government service providers. Explore how cloud infrastructure can help agencies deliver exceptional service to their constituents.

Sign up to register for “Cloud on Tap: How Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Enables Public Utilities,” a complimentary webinar on Thursday, April 25 at 10 a.m. PT.

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Hear from two municipalities: Dan Rainey, Chief Information Officer, City of Detroit Water Dept. and Sanjiv Shekar, Business Technology Manager, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District. They’ll explore how moving to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure has cut costs while maintaining outstanding customer service and efficiencies.

Consider signing up for the rest of our webinar series that demonstrate how Oracle Cloud infrastructure can help public sector leaders create a more modern, digital government that addresses citizen expectations.

If you thought about abandoning the data center, but not sure if you’re ready, register for ‘City of Las Vegas Doubles Down on Multicloud” and hear from Michael Sherwood and Chris Craig, innovation leaders for the City of Las Vegas.

Are you struggling to manage your troves of data to gain insights and improve service delivery? Replay on demand “The Data Revolution in Government,” with Andrew Yim, IT Manager II, Office of the Los Angeles County Assessor, and Ayana Wilkins, Director of Financial Enterprise Applications, State of Oklahoma.

AI and machine learning is all the rage, and so is the pervasive use of chatbots for government and education. Sing up for “Chatbots on Campus: The New Voice of Higher Ed” and discover the secrets of automation and streamlined customer service from Seneca College in Canada.

And whether you are in the higher education or government role, you’ll want to hear the innovation stories on cloud infrastructure from San Mateo Community College, LaSalle University and Temple University.

Register for the entire series and get ready to launch your innovation journey.

Oracle Government and Education offers agencies a blueprint for total IT modernization through the flexibility and cost savings of a broad portfolio of cloud solutions. We help government agencies at every level adapt to change and deliver smart, connected, and secure solutions.