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Texas Smart Cities Summit 2022

April 27, 2022 | 6:00 PMApril 29, 2022 | 7:00 PM

Building Inclusive and Intelligent Futures

The Texas Smart Cities Summits bring together leaders from  local government, industry, academia, nonprofit organizations and more to share information on the leading practices in smart cities efforts, to share ideas and experiences, and to discuss and plan new efforts to accelerate smart cities development in Texas and across the world. At the Texas Smart Cities Summit, we will present, share, and discuss successful smart city solutions addressing these aspects and collaborate on how to improve and implement them into our communities.

Digi.City® is a forum for supporting the co-creation of smart(er) cities and more connected communities. To enable our ethos, we share information, develop tools, showcase best practices, amplify voices and convene leaders across sectors. We collaborate with a wide range of partners to advocate and implement policies and programs that create more connected, more equitable and accessible communities.