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A Look at Agencies’ Top Expenditures in 2022

The top three spenders for contracted services were the Texas Department of Transportation, the Texas Military Department and the Department of Information Resources.

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A breakdown of how Senate Bill 8 appropriated the state's American Rescue Plan Act Funds in 2021.
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Over the past year, state agencies spent more than $4.7 billion with some 8,000 vendors.

While four of the top five categories are aligned to IT and technology, the Contracted Services category covers a swath of industry and businesses including technology, storm recovery, health services, investigations and transportation. It is the top category for spending at $2.1 billion. The Texas Military Department (TMD) spent $569 million here, including a large portion on storm recovery services.

The other four categories are:
  • IT Services, with $705 million spent
  • Computer Services -- Statewide Technology Center, $705 million spent
  • DIR Payments to Statewide Technology Center, $425 million spent
  • Personal Property -- Maintenance and Repair -- Computer Software -- Expensed, $216 million spent

These numbers are pulled from the Texas Comptroller’s Payment to Payee visualization and are represented in the Texas IT Spending Dashboard, a Government Technology* visualization. Amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar.

Various agencies spent large amounts in each category. Below are listed the top three spenders in the additional three categories.

IT Services:
  • $229.8 million by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
  • $190.1 million by the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
  • $64.8 million by the Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA)

Computer Services -- Statewide Technology Center:
  • $77.5 million by the Texas Attorney General (AG)
  • $67.8 million by the Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
  • $65.1 million by HHSC

DIR Payments to Technology Center:
  • This category reflects only DIR spending at $425 million.

Personal Property -- Maintenance and Repair -- Computer Software -- Expensed:
  • $77.5 million by HHSC
  • $26.1 million by TxDOT
  • $22.5 million by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)

Among several categories in the year’s totals are also Subscriptions, Periodicals, and Information Services at $10.9 million; Data Processing Services at $14 million; and Parts -- Computer Equipment -- Expensed at $10.9 million.

*Government Technology is a sister publication to Industry Insider — Texas, and e.Republic is their parent company.
Rae D. DeShong is a Dallas-based staff writer and has written for The Dallas Morning News and worked as a community college administrator.