Austin’s Communications and Technology Management (CTM) is looking at a $146.5 million operating budget with $44.9 million for capital improvements.
CTM, led by CIO Kerrica Laake, provides IT to city departments and some entities in Travis County. Responsibilities include:
- Communications and technology management
- Wireless communication services
- The Combined Transportation, Emergency and Communications Center (CTECC)
- The Greater Austin/Travis County Regional Radio System (GATRRS)
Funding for CTM’s operating budget includes five project areas:
- $84 million for CTM, including increased funding for contracts, existing agreements and Microsoft 365 Government G5 conversion
- $30.6 million for the CTECC and public safety IT support, including increased funding for master agreements, staff augmentation and one-time hardware purchases
- $16.8 million for wireless communication services, including funding for augmented staff and six added positions
- $4.6 million for support services, including managerial and administrative
- $11 million for transfers, debt service and other requirements
The Information Security Office, headed up by CISO Shirley Erp, would receive $11.8 million with fund increases for network detection and response, enhanced network security, software-as-a-service (SaaS) security and third-party risk management.
Citywide spending of note includes:
- $6 million for financial systems IT, including budget, finance, accounting, procurement, payroll and transparency. Financial Services also expects $3.5 million in capital funds for IT investments.
- $3 million toward replacing the public-facing Austin Build and Connect (AMANDA) Portal, which provides online permitting services and fee payment. The total cost is projected to be $24.5 million.
- $1.5 million for Austin Public Health’s ongoing maintenance of an automated reporting system for communicable disease, which was developed using American Rescue Plan Act funds.
- $659,000 for the library system’s strategic planning software, Wi-Fi access point replacement, centralized computer backup, audio-visual and digital upgrades.
- $192,000 for the Communications and Public Information Office to implement a new website tool for “accurate, culturally competent translation in many languages on the city of Austin website” (city residents speak more than 82 languages). That budget includes $1.8 million for video production and $1.4 million for web services and graphic design.