Community College Announces Intent to Award Student CRM to TargetX

San Jacinto College announces a full life cycle CRM adoption to transform advising services.

San Jacinto College administrators have recommended that TargetX be contracted to provide the college’s customer relationship management (CRM) solution intended to transform the advising system, according to an intent to award document posted earlier this month.

The award supports the college’s strategic goal of transforming advising to a technology-based system to better assist students with college planning and communications throughout enrollment.

TargetX is a higher education software company offering full student life cycle CRM to manage student enrollment, retention and multiple aspects of student success.

The institutional CRM, to be integrated with Salesforce, will:
  • Track and personalize student communication
  • Bring together faculty and staff advising notes
  • Provide data to inform intervention

San Jacinto College, based in Houston, has an enrollment of more than 30,000 on six campuses. Its CRM adoption will be funded by the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) and the institutional unrestricted budget. Total cost is $770,000 for the initial three-year term.

The contract is a three-year award with two one-year renewal options; the college will obtain Salesforce in a separate contract.
Rae D. DeShong is a Dallas-based staff writer and has written for The Dallas Morning News and worked as a community college administrator.