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Conroe ISD’s Record $1.9B Bond Package Calls for $40M+ for Tech

The growing district is looking to build eight new schools and improve classroom capacity but will also need student and staff devices, among other items.

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Students at Greenbrook Elementary School in Kendall Park, N.J., are catching up in math with the help of a tablet-based app. PHOTO COURTESY OF LORI WOODS
Conroe Independent School District voters will head to the polls later this month to decide the fate of the district’s largest-ever bond referendum.

If approved, the bond will fund eight new schools, building renovations, more buses and new technology.

With four propositions, Proposition B would allocate $40 million to technology and devices including iPads, laptop and desktop computers. Proposition A also includes $70 million for technology infrastructure.

Growth is the driving factor for the bond, said Conroe ISD Superintendent Curtis Null.

“We will move up and become the seventh-largest school district either this year or next,” he said. “The two districts Conroe will pass are Fort Worth ISD and Austin ISD.”

The district has about 73,000 students, 9,000 employees and 70 campuses. Null said the district will have more than 100,000 students within nine years.

The other propositions are mainly for capacity building, renovations and transportation:

  • Proposition A includes $1.8 billion for eight new schools, three additions, five renovations, building improvements, safety measures, land purchases, new technology, new buses and transportation center expansion.
  • Proposition C would provide $112.9 million for a third ag barn, 16 PE classrooms and gyms.
  • Proposition D would earmark $22.9 million for a new pool and natatorium renovations.
(c)2023 the Houston Chronicle. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.