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Data Center Services Largest Tech Item on Land Office Budget

The state’s General Land Office and Veterans Land Board will have more than $3 million for the shared data center.

The Alamo at night.
The upcoming biennial budget allocates a total $2.7 billion combined for the General Land Office (GLO) and Veterans Land Board (VLB), with about $3 million allocated toward the state’s shared data center.

Both agencies manage state natural resources and are addressed together in the budget. GLO has wide-ranging responsibilities from managing about 12 million acres of public land, running the Alamo and doing archival work. The VLB administers loans for Texas veterans and military families, sells land and manages veterans’ cemeteries.

Allocations include:
  • Combined systems upgrade, with $240,000 in the first fiscal year and $264,000 in the second
  • PC and laptop replacement, $495,000 in both years
  • Server rotation and resiliency project, $186,500 in both years
  • Data center services, $1.6 million and $1.8 million in the first and second years

Of note, GLO’s previous CIO said in a 2022 interview that replacements and refreshes are ongoing and cyclical. These purchases are made through DIR-approved vendors and require various services such as inventory tagging.

Included in that interview were upcoming goals like upgrading oil- and gas-related applications such as:

  • Migrating a custom, N-tier business application from on-premise data center to the cloud
  • Performing major functionality enhancements to the flagship oil and gas royalty reporting system to improve the user experience and deeply integrate with financial data
  • Modernizing a custom-built data analysis application that audits oil and gas production and payment data, searching for discrepancies that may lead to additional revenue
Rae D. DeShong is a Dallas-based staff writer and has written for The Dallas Morning News and worked as a community college administrator.