The Department of Information Resources (DIR) is working on solicitations that will be released this month and next, according to its schedule of solicitations.
Two of these are for first response and law enforcement technology and are subsequent procurements to DIR-CPO-TMP-443. (The related contracts are listed at DIR’s website.)
That pre-solicitation was titled “Law Enforcement, Surveillance and Security Monitoring, Emergency Preparedness, Disaster Recovery Technology Products and Services,” and was released in 2019, according to Industry Navigator.*
The first pre-solicitation is for emergency preparedness, disaster recovery technology products and services with a planned release this month, and it will be Request for Offers (RFO) No. DIR-CPO-TMP-595.
For reference, emergency products and services might include alert systems, mass communications systems, mobile technology, GPS and backup data systems. Manufacturers and authorized resellers may respond, and the contact person is Alexis Jimerson.
The second, set for a November release, is for law enforcement, surveillance and security monitoring technology products and services, and it will be RFO No. DIR-CPO-TMP-594.
Examples of potential technology include body-worn cameras, vehicle equipment, license plate recognition platforms, electronic citation machines, surveillance systems, biometric tech and fire safety equipment. Other equipment might include drones, bomb-detection robots and electronic monitoring systems.
Manufacturers and authorized resellers may respond, and the contact person is Scott Wilson.
Both will be cooperative contracts. DIR contract vehicles allow state agencies, municipalities, educational entities and nonprofits to purchase software and services. DIR vets contracted vendors for accessibility and cybersecurity, while garnering discounts for the state.
The planning website doesn’t ensure a procurement; DIR publishes opportunities at the Texas SmartBuy website under member number 313.
*Industry Navigator is a product of e.Republic, which also produces Industry Insider — Texas.
DIR Planning for First Response, Safety, Security Tech Contracts
The Department of Information Resources has updated its planning website to reflect two related but separate procurements to provide purchasing vehicles for public-sector public safety, security and emergency equipment and technology.

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