The highly detailed procurement documents outline the full facility management control systems (FMCS), which must be compliant with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) protocols.
The buildings include:
- Crystal Beach: Crystal Beach Courthouse/Eddie Barr Annex
- Crystal Beach: Faggard Community Center
- Dickinson: Emergency Management Building
- Galveston: Sam Popovich Annex
- La Marque: Johnson Community Center
- La Marque: Agrilife-Texas Coop Extension
- Santa Fe: West County Annex
- Texas City: Mid County Annex
“The contractor shall provide an open, interoperable peer-to-peer networked distributed control system using ANSI/EIA Standard 709.1-A-1999, LonWorks technology communications protocols,” the documents state.
The RFP is number B23014 and is posted on the county website. Sealed proposals are due at 2:15 p.m. March 23 to Rufus G. Crowder, Galveston County purchasing agent, at the county courthouse.