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Galveston County to Modernize Jail Access Controls

The sheriff’s office is looking for a vendor who will install modern technology and oversee a full update.

Closeup of a black and white vehicle that says "sheriff" on the side in orange letters.
The Galveston County Sheriff’s Office is looking for a vendor to replace its jail access control system.

The county seeks a single-source security electronics contractor to coordinate, furnish and install a retrofit to “improve security measures and streamline access management,” according to request for proposals No. B241021.

The chosen contractor will help modernize the safety and security of the jail — both for workers and inmates — while streamlining operations. This includes installing updated technology meeting current industry standards.

The deadline for RFP No. B241021 is 2:15 p.m. May 23, and submissions may be made in person or by email. This will be a best-value proposal.

Galveston County has 361,744 residents and reportedly sees between 1,000 to 1,500 violent crimes per year. There are about 500 part-time and full-time deputies.
Rae D. DeShong is a Dallas-based staff writer and has written for The Dallas Morning News and worked as a community college administrator.