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GLO Recruiting for Senior IT Director

The job would entail establishing a strategic plan, developing policies, overseeing IT operations teams and collaborating with the agency’s CIO.

Blue-colored image of business people sitting around a conference table talking with symbols overlayed on the image like a cloud, smartphone and cryptocurrency.
The Texas General Land Office is looking to fill a senior director-level position to oversee the delivery of the agency’s IT operations, services and projects.

According to the job listing, the senior director of IT operations is responsible for establishing the agency’s “strategic plan, goals and objectives; developing policies, procedures, and guidelines; establishing priorities, standards and measurement tools for determining progress in meeting goals; coordinating and evaluating IT operations program activities and business functions; and reviewing and approving budgets within the division.”

Other essential duties include:

  • Planning, directing, supervising and coordinating work of the IT operations teams in the delivery of IT services and the execution of IT projects, including the design and deployment of new technologies, systems and services
  • Managing strategic planning for IT operations, including business requirements, project planning and organizing the allocation of resources
  • Collaborating with GLO’s CIO and IT leadership to develop and implement long-term strategic plans for IT service delivery and systems
  • Developing and implementing technology guidance, road maps, principles, standards and best practices for IT service delivery and the IT operations team
  • Creating and implementing IT operations policies and procedures for architecture, security, disaster recovery, standards and service provisioning
  • Developing, reviewing and monitoring operational and personnel budgets for IT operations
  • Overseeing and evaluating proposals and work products from third-party vendors to determine their quality, accuracy and completeness
  • Helping with IT legislative appropriation requests (LAR) and other state reporting responsibilities 

The position has a monthly salary range of $11,000 to $12,500, and the application deadline is June 6.
Katya Maruri is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.