Shortly after releasing its strategic plan, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) has again announced its intent to solicit a legacy systems replacement.
The department has been working “to implement a comprehensive, cloud-based licensing and regulatory solution that is delivered as a software as a service (SaaS), enables scalability of the solution, ensures efficient use of resources and meets specified requirements with minimal custom development,” according to its 2022 legislative appropriations request.
TDLR was granted about $33 million to do so, and in the last year published a similar pre-solicitation notice followed by a request for offers, which was closed with no award.
The June 13 pre-solicitation notice, No. Pre-452-24-BLC020, outlines the basics of its intent to resolicit, and at this time, there is no question-and-answer period. Of note, a pre-solicitation is for vendor planning purposes but doesn’t guarantee an RFO to follow.
The prior solicitation is highly detailed and is still available on the Texas SmartBuy website, but a coming solicitation may not be identical, according to documents.
Look for additional reporting on the TDLR at Industry Insider — Texas.
Licensing Department Reboots Legacy Replacement Procurement
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation is moving along in its system modernization goals and has restarted the procurement process for a core system.
