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Mineral Wells Superintendent Warms Up to Artificial Intelligence

The district plans to introduce AI into its work and curriculum, but with caution, leaders said.

Closeup of a robotic hand typing on a keyboard.
AI is arriving at Mineral Wells Independent School District.

Artificial intelligence, computer programs that mimic the mind’s organization and processing abilities, was a quick topic of Superintendent John Kuhn’s recent board report. He likened its arrival to that of hand-held calculators in math courses.

“You can develop it as a tool or fight it,” Kuhn said, after describing a recent weekend when the district needed to get information to parents by Monday morning.

“I used Google Bard,” he said, referring to one of several products in the emerging market. “It immediately generated something better than I could write.”

That message was then posted on the district’s social media.

“It is pretty impressive what it can do,” he said.

Angie Myrick, executive director of curriculum for the district, said the district does plan to incorporate AI in classrooms — slowly, handling the emerging technology with deliberation.

“We have sent some people for training in it,” she said. “It will be coming in the future. We have to start learning where the line is and teaching children what is the appropriate use of it and teaching them what isn’t.”

 (c)2023 Weatherford Democrat. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.