These tasks are among a myriad of programming the agency does to preserve the state’s historical record and promote freedom of information and literacy. All fall under four pillars of service: archives and reference; services for libraries; the Talking Book Program; and records management.
As outlined in the agency’s legislative budget request under exceptional items, the agency hopes to add a security analyst and systems administrator. Those would be covered under a request for $731,841 for IT, system integrity and security.
TSLAC also hopes to provide IT and broadband support to small public libraries with a requested $4.4 million. This would enable the agency to aid up to 150 of 302 eligible libraries in towns with fewer than 12,000 residents with hardware, software and training.
Budget: $38.6 million overall, with an estimated $1.45 million IT budget, according to Industry Navigator.* The agency’s 2024-25 biennial baseline general revenue request is $33.6 million.
Leadership: Gloria Meraz is TSLAC’s director and librarian; the agency has 175.5 full-time positions, according to its budget request.
IT Services: Michael Ford is the information technology services (ITS) director, with 10 full-time positions in the department, according to the website.
ITS “ensures … compliance with applicable laws and regulations in the acquisition and use of information technology,” according to the website. The department coordinates with the Texas consolidated state data center, supports network infrastructure and telecommunications, coordinates IT projects and develops applications.
As all state agencies, TSLAC publishes upcoming and current opportunities on the Texas SmartBuy website.
*Industry Navigator is a product of e.Republic, which also produces Industry Insider — Texas.