Public School Districts, Education Service Center Request New Tech

Four school districts will receive extensive funding to upgrade their tech systems thanks to recently approved bonds. Meanwhile, one of the state’s education service centers is preparing to issue new bids for various IT services.

Humble, Corpus Christi, Tyler and Benton independent school districts have been awarded millions in bonds to upgrade various tech systems. Also in the works are new bids from the state’s Region 3 Education Service Center (ESC) for several IT services.

Here is a breakdown of each group’s requests and how much they’ll cost:

Humble Independent School District will receive a $45 million bond for districtwide technology, including security cameras and radio systems, increased cybersecurity and an upgraded network infrastructure.

Corpus Christi Independent School District voters approved a $220 million bond to fund significant renovations to an elementary school, two middle school gymnasiums, playgrounds and marquees.

As for specific tech upgrades, a portion of the bond will facilitate contemporary security features and integrated technology systems for a new middle school in southeast Corpus Christi.

Tyler Independent School District voters approved an $89 million bond for constructing two new campuses. A portion of the bond will be used to implement updated safety and security features, including new security systems.

Lastly, the state’s Region 3 ESC will issue the following bids later this year:
  • An IT device repair bid in April 2023
  • An identity theft protection bid in May 2023
  • A data summary software bid in May 2023
  • A security monitoring services bid in October 2023
Katya Maruri is an Orlando-based e.Republic staff writer. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in global strategic communications from Florida International University.